Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to La Cocina Coronada. As a newbie blogger, my objective will be to re-create the enormous assortment of Latin-based recipes and transform them into vegetarian-friendly dishes. There will be the occasional recipe that utilizes seafood or eggs, but I will try to provide good substitutions and I promise that I will NEVER be using meat or poultry.

I would like to use this blog as a platform for open dialogue and discussion, so if you have any suggestions or recommendations, please feel free to comment on the appropriate post. For those of you that may be new to Hispanic foods, I will try my best to give a brief description of the 'traditional' preparation and how it has been modified. If you have posted any questions, I'll keep my eyes peeled and would hope to be able to respond as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest and read on!

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