Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Red Chile Sauce

Red chile sauce can be used as a base to everything from enchilada sauce to chile con carne. Although this recipe makes quite a bit of chile sauce, it freezes really well. This is a recipe that has been in our family for as long as I can remember and it is quite easy, but it can get a bit messy. My best word of advice? Don't wear your nice clothes.

8oz (1/2lb) dried red chile (New Mexico, California, guajillo, etc.)
1/2 onion
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander seeds
8 large garlic cloves
4 cups reserved chile water (see below)
Salt and pepper to taste

Strained red chile sauce
photo courtesy of Brandon Boren
Clean the dried chiles by cutting off the stem and removing the seeds inside. Boil chiles in enough water to cover for 10 minutes or until softened. Reserve 4 cups of the water used to boil the chiles. Transfer the chiles to a blender, along with onion, garlic, spices and 2 cups of the chile water. Place the blended sauce in a colander over a bowl. Use a spoon to help pass the strained chile sauce through the colander. Once all of the sauce has passed through, place the leftover chile paste in the blender with the remaining 2 cups of chile water and re-blend. Repeat the straining process through the colander once more. Add salt and pepper to taste. The strained sauce is ready to use or can be refrigerated or frozen for later use.

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